Our Team


TJ Friesen

Chief Storyteller
Travel Agent
Batting: Lead-off

Josh Murphy

Video Editor
Batting: Clean-up

Our Story

In 2010, Community Media was born. At the time, TJ was working in video at a large, multi-site church in the Chicago area called Community Christian Church. So the name Community Media was an extension of the video work he was already doing. In the fall of 2011 CM had become a full-time business as we began working with churches, local businesses and non-profits around the country. In 2015, TJ and his family moved to Greenville, SC to plant roots in the South, and the business came along for the ride. Josh became part of the team later that summer and we continued to help our clients tell their stories in compelling ways that made an impact.

Over the years, the primary way that people have found out about us has been through relationships. Which we cherish, BTW. And up to this point our company name has not necessarily mattered. You could say it’s been a neutral part of the success of our business. Well, it’s time to put it in drive! After serving us well for the past 12 years, we have decided that Community Media as a name for our company is coming to a close. Given this opportunity, we thought it would be good to rebrand to something that had meaning to us, could represent our mindset toward the work we do, and be fun! After tossing around some ideas, we came up with a winner...Rally Caps.

The origin of the rally cap comes from baseball players and fans who wear their caps inside-out and backwards to will the team to a come-from-behind victory late in a game. We love the idea of being our clients' biggest fans, helping them tell their story in ways that cause people to take action or experience change. Our tagline up until now has been true storytellers, which is still the essence of what we do. But we wanted something a little more exciting that also has a built-in brand that we can play with. So you will see a lot more fun phrases around the site that we hope you will enjoy reading as much as we enjoyed creating them. And if you were thinking that this new name and branding would lend itself to some sweet, new swag...you're right! Keep an eye out for shirts, hats and other merch coming soon.

We’re really easy to work with.